Australian House

Australian House Builder

What Makes an Australian House Unique?

Are you curious about the distinctive features that make Australian houses stand out? Australia is known for its diverse architectural styles and unique housing characteristics that reflect the country’s climate, culture, and history. In this article, we’ll explore the key elements that contribute to the charm and functionality of Australian homes. Let’s delve into what makes an Australian house truly special.

1. Indoor-Outdoor Living: One of the defining features of Australian homes is the emphasis on indoor-outdoor living. With a temperate climate and abundant sunshine, Australians love to blur the boundaries between their indoor and outdoor spaces. Expansive verandas, patios, and alfresco areas seamlessly connect the living spaces with the surrounding landscape, creating a harmonious flow between the two.

2. Open Floor Plans: Australian houses often feature open floor plans that promote a sense of spaciousness and facilitate natural light and ventilation. The open design allows for flexible living spaces, making it easier for families to gather and entertain. This concept fosters a relaxed and casual lifestyle, which is highly valued in the Australian culture.

3. Sustainable Design: Environmental sustainability is a growing focus in Australian house design. Many homeowners incorporate sustainable features into their houses, such as solar panels, rainwater harvesting systems, and energy-efficient appliances. Australia’s commitment to sustainable building practices aligns with its desire to protect the unique natural beauty of the country.

4. Climate Considerations: Australia’s diverse climate zones influence the design of houses across the country. In hotter regions, houses often incorporate features like eaves, shading devices, and cross-ventilation to keep the interiors cool during summer. In colder regions, houses may have insulated walls, double-glazed windows, and efficient heating systems to provide warmth in winter. The design takes into account the specific climate needs of each region.

5. Indigenous Influences: Australian architecture frequently draws inspiration from the country’s rich Indigenous heritage. Elements such as natural materials, earthy color palettes, and connection to the land are often incorporated into the design. This integration of Indigenous influences pays homage to Australia’s indigenous culture while creating a unique aesthetic.

6. Beachside Living: With its stunning coastline, many Australians are fortunate to live near the beach. Beachside homes often feature large windows and balconies that maximize ocean views and capture the refreshing sea breeze. These houses are designed to embrace the coastal lifestyle and create a sense of relaxation and tranquility.

7. Historical and Colonial Styles: Australia has a deep colonial history, and many houses in older neighborhoods showcase historical and colonial architectural styles. These houses feature ornate details, high ceilings, and traditional craftsmanship. Preserving and restoring these heritage houses is an essential part of maintaining Australia’s architectural heritage.

In conclusion, Australian houses possess a unique blend of indoor-outdoor living, open floor plans, sustainable design, climate considerations, Indigenous influences, beachside living, and historical elements. These characteristics reflect the country’s culture, climate, and commitment to environmental consciousness. Whether you’re planning to build, renovate, or simply appreciate the beauty of Australian houses, understanding their distinct features adds depth to your understanding of the Australian way of life.

Features of a Modern Australian House

Features of a modern Australian House include outdoor indoor living areas. So that the living room and outdoor entertaining area is seamless.

High windows, tall walls, skilion roofs, an ensuite as well as main bathroom, kitchen/living/dining area, fireplace or source of warmth, air conditioning or ceiling fans, dishwasher, storage for clothes, linen and extras.

Outdoor services include a water tank (usually compulsory by council or the rural fire service), BBQ or outdoor kitchen and entertaining area, laundry with washer dryer which opens to outside and has hanging space and a shed (for the car, storage, toys and a garden shed)

Modern Australian Style

At Split Building the type of Australian House we love the most are light and airy, contemporary, streamlined and minimalist.

They’re designed by an architect or building designer, super energy efficient, are passive house or have passive house features, and styled by an interior designer.

They’re not your ordinary builder style with old-fashioned architraves.

We offer everything you need to ensure a smooth, enjoyable process – so if you’re ready to get started building a home you’ll love, click here to get in touch, or read on to find out more about working with us.

A Turn-Key Builder

When you’re looking to hire an Australian house builder in the Blue Mountains, engaging the right builder than gets you, your style and can deliver the house that you want and works for you and your family.  That’s why the team at Split Building is proud to offer a full-service, including everything you need to transform your design into a fully developed home you love. Turn-key is a building term that means you get to turn your front door key and don’t have anything to do. From landscaping, driveway, garage, to services (water, power, sewer) to your home all completely finished. You just move your furniture in and use our stylist to help you design the home you’ve been dreaming about.

Beginning with conceptual design, we create realistic 3D designs of your home. These form the basis of your working drawings, which are then submitted for approval by the local authorities. These approvals set the build in motion, and while you look forward to your first experiences in your new home, we’ll be liaising with some of the best local consultants in the industry to bring the development to life. Finally, once all of the plans are in place, you will have the chance to watch your dream home come to life during the construction phase. For the right builder Blue Mountains, the satisfaction of bringing it all together never gets old!

Easy, without a fuss

The process of creating your dream home is high-stakes, which can create extra stress for you and your family, particularly if you’ve had a building company let you down in the past. From the foundations and aspect to the colour scheme, there’s a lot to think about – and, knowing just how much value you place on the finished product, we are committed to ensuring that you achieve your end goal and building your Australian home as if it were for our own families. When you’re working with the right Australian house builder and taking a collaborative approach, you won’t have to worry about any misunderstanding or mistake making its way into your brand new home.

When you’re looking for an Australia house builder, the team at Split Building is ready to exceed your expectations. Our 25+ years of experience in the building industry has left us well prepared to execute any custom project to a high standard, and we’re looking forward to using our skills to your advantage.

Contact us today to arrange an obligation-free consultation.


to arrange an obligation – free consultation.